Reloading terminal in Gdansk

Port Office in Gdansk, 23 Budowniczych Portu Polnocnego st, 80-601 Gdansk

TSL Silesia offices in Tri-city are located in Gdynia (Port Branch and Office) and in Gdansk (Port Office) what guarantees forwarding supervision over handlings and effective coordination of operations.

We work with the majority of terminals in Gdansk seaports:

  • Port Polnocny Gdansk,
  • PGE Gdansk,
  • DCT Gdansk.

In the field of sea freight we provide forwarding services for bulk and general cargo goods.

Bulk Cargo – Port Office in Gdansk.

As part of handling bulk goods, we offer a comprehensive cargo handling and forwarding service in the ports of Gdansk:

W invite you to cooperation!