Import tax representation (procedure 4200)

Our company also offers the service of representation of foreign entities as a tax representative for import customs service .

Within the scope of the authorization, our Agency, acting in the status of a tax representative, substitutes and represents the importer from other country than Republic of Poland in the activities of declaring the goods for customs clearance and also settles the import VAT for them.

The tax representative assumes the duties of the taxpayer and is responsible for the activities performed as if the representative themselves had imported the goods and then transported them in an intra-Community supply.

From the perspective of the foreign taxpayer this solution is very beneficial, because it relieves him of the necessity to register for VAT in Poland, as well as conducting all settlements for this tax. Thanks to the establishment of our Agency as a tax agent , the importer from other country than Republic of Poland, may be exempt from paying this tax in Poland provided that after the goods are released for trading under Procedure 42 00, they are exported to another EU country under WDT (intra-Community supply).

We recommend this type of service especially for bulk cargo transported by rail.

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